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Sutherland caboose
Until this year Sutherland had everything you'd want at the shops - a snowplow, TRACKMOBILE, switchers, etc. but still lacked a caboose.

On July 18th, this old cab came into town, and has been sitting at the shops ever since. He is most likely a Regina transfer, as they had three sitting there at the shops, when I came through in Aug. 06, and now there aren't any. Looks like he's stored, coupled to the snow plow most of the time. Maybe the wayfreights will use him in the winter.

Note that his right side is missing a ditch lights and marker lights (proper name?) at the top. Oddly the left side still had them intact - great for left turns only signalling. Sadly he's covered with graffiti on the side.

You can see the West yard switcher, CP 1501-1533, GP7u/GP9u set, working the lead track in the background.
Russian, you are right, the red placard is a marker light. Notice on the side of the caboose there is a green lense, while the other three lenses are knocked out? Those were marker lights as well. Refer to Rule 19 in the CROR - http://www.tc.gc.ca/railway/cror/signals_general.htm .

In addition the over town yard was whining about not having something to ride the point with going downtown. They were getting tired of riding the end of a car for five miles. So they got a caboose from Regina, and now the don't use it because it takes a little extra work to get it on their drag. So they go downtown with the engine leading and usually run around their grain or what have you downtown - that's the foreman on that job for you.

They tried to make me put it on when I worked the 2300k, but I refused, it was their caboose; thus, their job and I wasn't picking up the slack for them. I had enough slack to pick up between the day and afternoon yards.

Either way, the caboose is here to stay for surely through the winter. Just so you know, the inside has nothing. The only thing remaining is a stretcher and the seats in the cupola, otherwise it is basically stripped bare. Cheers.

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