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A pair of former Coal Miners.

A pair of former Coal Miners.

CP SD40-2Fs built to work out in the mountain territory on coal trains find themselves several years later workin the prairies after the GEs came in and replaced them similar to the old M630 and M636s that once ruled the coal territory that were replaced with the SD40-2/F amazing how the tables have turned. CP 9015 and 9023 are seen leading a manifest 211 at Moosomin Sask on october 3rd 2008. Note 9023 is the second last SD40-2 ever built out of london with 9024 been the last SD40-2 built of the London Plant.
Never thought of it that way - now when would they be taken of coal service? 1995?
The odd time you would see these units go to Winnipeg before they were taken out coal service, likely sent to the shops for repairs.
First time i ever saw a red barn i was 4 in Virden Manitoba i got to go up in the cab of 9003 that would of been 1994. Dad said he was told by the engineer at that time the 9003 was goin to BC after as you said (these were minor) repairs in Winnipeg.

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