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WP Jeffery Shops South Sac Yd

WP Jeffery Shops South Sac Yd

WP was still utilizing its car shops in 1979. Something was always moving and it was fun to watch.
Those two U23B's were probably power for the SN Detour. They ran to Stockton, ran around their train to head west on the Santa Fe to Pittsburg CA with car loads of steel. Also they would go to the navy base there. 4 rail was the old mainline, we'd come in on that rail going east and make a head end set out while the yard crew would grab the rear of our train and switch on it.
Thanks for the good info. I always enjoy hearing from the rails who made railroading great.
rgcx, you are welcome. Do you remember any of the guys who worked there at that time? There were some real characters working there. Also who was your dad?

I was too young to really know the folks that worked there. My father worked as an airplane mechanic at McClellan AFB for 37 years. He liked planes, but we spent more time watching trains than planes. I liked the WP, but more trains were to be found on the busier SP in Sacramento.

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