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UP Centennials near Raton

UP Centennials near Raton

Back in the late 1970s, April 7, 1978, I received a call telling me that two trains led by UP Centennials were being rerouted on the ATSF Raton Pass line. A drive with a friend resulted in this shot of the first train, at Hebron, NM, just south of Raton NM, shortly before sunset. Amazingly, I managed a cab ride on this very train over Raton Pass, though found myself stranded in LaJunta when asked to exit the train... all night at the bus station an unfitting end to my trip. Apologies for less than great scan, but interesting shot to share.
Great Shot ! And Thanks for spending the night in the Bus Station for the experience of the cab ride. An era and time we'll never see again

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Vintage Freight Train Photos - Diesel Era
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