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Prairie classic

Prairie classic

  • Romet
The old Canadian Northern line from Calgary to Saskatoon, abandoned several years ago from Chappelle JCT northeast into the downtown core. Lots of tie plates with 1961 & 1958 dates, a couple 1913s as well. Ive been railfanning Chappelle JCT for years, but never bothered to take pictures of this track. Now that a bulldozer is tearing up a building nearby to make room for HWY expansion, I figure I better start documenting while I still can.
The right-of-way can be there in place for years, it is always great to be able to document it!
There are plates in White fox from the 30s when the cpr first built the line from nipawin to prince albert. Has the whole line from saskatoon to calgary been abandoned or parts slated for abandonment?
This particular piece of track is withing Saskatoon city limits, presumably used by CNor to acess their yard (location?). Speaking of old yards, where was GTWs yard located in PA? When the new Saskatoon yard was build in early 1960s this piece simply became an industrial spur. Within the last year CN has decided to put up a large chunk of the line up for abandonment, ~189 miles from Oyen to Lyalta, AB. Essentially Calgary - SK border.
The CNoR served an old industrial district in Prince Albert along the riverbank apox near the water treatment plant and the north east boarder of the city. GTP served the city through where Gateway mall now stands and most likely served domtar's wood processing plant which is now where cornerstone now stands. Up until the early 90s cn still used most of the spur of the CNoR, serving Esso Bulk Fuel (still in operation near the ex grounds, but not served by rail) and as an access to the cpr yards. If you drive down 7th st e north of the ex grounds you can still see the ROW. The CNoR had two stations, one in the downtown and one in the north east end of town. This part of town was origionally another settlement but on all maps, appears as part of PA.

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