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North Battleford

North Battleford

At one time North Battleford was a major Railway town, with plenty of branchlines heading north. All gone now! The line to Prince Albert was torn up in 1995, Big River in 1998, St. Wartburg & Glaslyn earlier this year, Meadow Lake abandonment scheduled for April 2009. Originally this was a CP line (CP also ran from Prince Albert to Perdue via CN North Battleford), sold to CN, re-sold to CTRW. There were also plenty of other branchlines removed by the Prairie Branchline Rehabilitation in the 1980s.

Not much happening at the yard today. One Geep on duty & long (50?) string of Trudeau hoppers await scrapping. Previously they were stored on the Turtleford sub, however CN pulled it up last spring, hence they moved to the yards. Another Prairie landmark awaiting the torch.
The only branchlines that ever ran out of North Battelford were the Turtleford and Battleford subs. The only lines that go to PA and Big River spring off at Denholm, and THAT is not North Battleford, alright??
Thanks guys,

Right, however trains don't originate @ Denholm, they originate @ North Battleford, hence they are considered North Battleford branches, even though they're not physically @ North Battleford. CTRW doesn't even own trackage to Denholm, yet they originate @ North Battleford. Was the Battleford sub the branch to Perdue? Do you know when it was lifted?
The Battleford sub had heavier rail values compared to the Aberdeen sub, so it probably was the Perdue spur you speak of. CN must have gotten it through one of thoes deals, not unlike the Matador and Meadow Lake subs. And thats all I really know about it...
Either way it was removed by the Prairie Branchline Rehabilitation program. Only in the Prairies does Rehab = death.
So in Spiritwood and Glaslyn the track is still on the ground, however the highway has simply been paved over the track at all the grade crossing. It seems CN couldn't be bothered removing the track here even after it was abandoned.
That's interesting considering they ran a track ripping train over the Turtleford sub. Similarly track is still in place through Kyle.
What I don't understand is that the track was torn up starting at the speers jct and then moving north. Last year I followed it north about 6km or so to check out an old train bridge and sure enough, as far as the eye could see the track was gone.

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