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Perfect desktop-2 GMD1's and a tanker

Perfect desktop-2 GMD1's and a tanker

CN Vintage GMD1's 1438 and 1441 take a lone SHPX Tanker east at Riverview.
Vintage? They rebiuo dhtme in the 80s for a reason... Looking forward to seieng this in person! It's an 8, but the openess makes it a 9. All that flat snowy space...
Thanks, Russian! They say 1438 was built, renumbered, and rebuilt. So I guess the aren't all that vintage. But they are still some of the oldest power CN currently owns...
I'm sorry to dissapoint you again. With rebuilding the GP9RM's are slightly older not mention the few SW1200 series locomotives left. As for unreuilt, a few SD40's of the 60s vintage are still rolling around, not for along though. But you're right, the GMD1u's are pretty old.
True. The GP9RM's are the oldest by 1955. The SD40's are 1967 at the oldest, and the SW1200's are 1958 with the GMD1's.
Nice shot!

Just to let you know this picture is in passanger "Canada" and should be in Freight or whichever you choose

Thanks, Two-Tone! I didn't say which library the shot was going to, but i switched it to Canadian National.

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