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IMS dune buggy
Sometime this year CP outsourced their IMS operations in the city to PARSEC. This brought in three visible changes.
1. A large "We're hiring" sign.
2. Two holster tractors: http://tinyurl.com/2svftb
3. This truck.

I'm not sure what exactly he does, but I do love the roll cage! Don't think it's any good in a collision against a semi or a falling container, but what do I know. Either way this sure beats what CP was using in its place: http://tinyurl.com/2amamk

Note the ES44AC in the background.
Great shot dont know what they do with these trucks i see them with that kind of bush cage down at Argo yard on the U.P. all the time do they play bumper tag with them or is it that tought on the freeway !!!
Good thinking. It's good to know that they're common in IMS yards. I'm guessing they're used primarily for crew transport and to bring fuel to the hostler trucks.

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