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Shuttlewagon SWX 35A

Shuttlewagon SWX 35A

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The unit was working Bethune down the line earlier.
I have some pictures I took out there...I haven't gotten around to posting them yet, though.
So are they all producer sites, or does Viterra and Pioneer have elevators operating here? I read the line interchanges with cn in both regina and then Davidson(?). I was under the impression cn had planned abandon the northern half of the subdivision
Kermit, it's all producer sites. Last Mountain indeed interchanges @ Davidson (CN point re-named Uhrich) and somewhere south, depending on who you listen to, CN Regina yard, CN Harley or Bethune. CN wanted to abandon he trackage from Davidson to Regina, since taken over by Last Mountain although CN still own track up to Harley.
They still own it to harley you say? I dident even know that, I thought the cn only owned it to warrel wich is like right at the end of the yard. The LMR guys have been doing maintence on the regina end of the line spraying boxes ect.
There b23-7's are now black wich is shit, do you know when they run it next I'm around mile 0.8 and would like to get some shots I saw them once with the mobile grain cars headinh north west outa town
Well I was wrong, CN owns trackage up to Lumsden. Trains running every day? Now that may be an exaggeration: http://tiny.cc/LMR592
Ya I saw the start of operation thing on CTV news, I was wrong those are nice looking units,on top of that they have cal's photo on the leader post so if cn owns it to cn: lumsden, Does that mean the cn will be interchanging at lumsden or will they go right to CN:warrel? And would u by any chance have any idea when they are returning to regina I would love to get a photo of even the smallest movement on that line lol. last time i saw a cn revenue train on there was like in 2001. thanks for the info!
According to the CBC CN has only run one train up to Lumsden, and the LMR said they hope to run trains twice weekly by next year. Rumor has it a potash mine is in talks of opening just north of regina and this could be why CN has decided to own trackage up to Lumsden.
so what ur saying is the cn will run up to lumsden and interchange rather than warrell. I remember as a young boy i would go sledding on a hill right beside the craik sub and almost every time i went a gp38-2w or two would come by with grain hoppers.

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